Information • Compassion • Support

Baby Boutique

Discover a treasure trove of essential items for your little one. Shop our range of baby supplies with points earned from participation in our programs.

Baby clothes hung on a clothing rack

How the Baby Boutique works

Our Baby Boutique provides essential items for your baby. Earn points through participation in our program and redeem them for much-needed supplies.


Participating in our classes helps you learn valuable skills and connect with others to support your baby’s needs.

Earn points

Earn redeemable points by attending classes, in person or online.

Redeem points

Redeem points at our Baby Boutique for essential mom and baby supplies.

What you will find in the Baby Boutique

Explore our diverse range of baby essentials, from clothing, diapers, and feeding supplies, all designed to meet you and your baby's needs.


Clothes, diapers, and wipes

Our Baby Boutique provides diapers and wipes to keep your baby clean and comfortable.


Feeding supplies

We stock feeding supplies, including formula, bottles, and baby food, to ensure your little one is always well-nourished.


Other essential items

We have other essential items like pack-n-play, strollers, car seats, and bathing supplies.


Stuff for moms too

We support moms too with essential supplies like nursing pads, prenatal vitamins, and maternity clothes.

Earn points

Free classes

We offer free classes on parenting, childbirth, and more. Earn points by attending and redeem them for essential baby supplies in the Baby Boutique. Join us to learn and get rewarded!

“The staff at choices was there for me during a very difficult time in my life. I will forever be grateful for all they did for me.”



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We're here to help - reach out to us today!